Term And Conditions

These terms and conditions govern your use of our website and services at contentlywriters.com. Please read them carefully. By using this Website, you agree to be governed by the terms and conditions set out above. You claim and warrant that you have full legal capacity to enter into these Terms of Use and be legally bound by them. Any improper use is absolutely banned. Once you have placed an order on this website, you have confirmed that you have read, understood, and agreed with all our Terms and Conditions.

1. Elucidation:-

“Website“ refers to the total number of web pages available at https://contentlywriters.com and all subdomains thereof, where the Services are provided.

“User,“ “You,“ and “Client“refer to a natural person, individual entrepreneur, or legal entity who has registered as a user on the Website and accepted these Terms, as well as anybody who submits, executes an order, uploads information, or transfers payments on this Website.

“We“, “Us“, and “Ours“refer to Facio Contently Writers Private Limited, a corporation registered in India. Our registered office is in Mansarovar, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302020.

“Services“ refers to a variety of written duties, such as essays, research papers, dissertations, theses, and other written academic works that the Client may require.

“Account“ refers to the personalized area of the Website that is closed to public access and is created following the User's registration. Your Account name and password help to personalize your account.

“Writer“ refers to a person who is employed or contracted by us as a freelancer to offer research and writing services to the Client in accordance with the terms of our agreement.

The term “Order“ refers to the Customer's request for a Service sent to our Company. It specifies the sources that will be used in writing as well as the specific needs.

“Product“ is the outcome of an Order, which arrives as original material, prepared and sent to the Client in accordance with his or her query as a digital document.

The term “Support Team“ refers to the company's structural unit in charge of coordinating and assisting with the Order process.

2. Order Placing and Registration:-

The order is placed by filling out the Order form included in the Application. No service is offered other than upon request. The Order form will include the scope of work, Order parameters, and delivery terms. When filling out Our Order form, it is Your sole responsibility to supply accurate, complete, and final information in each standard Order form part.

You will be asked to register by entering your contact information, such as name and email address. If you have any difficulties when creating your account, please contact Customer Support. Furthermore, if any of your contact information changes over time, it is your obligation to update your profile or notify Support of the change.

3. Order Payment:-

When you place an order, you agree to purchase the service from the Company. The Company begins processing your order only after payment for the service is received and authorized.

The payment for the service is calculated using the Company's Pricing and is made in advance, as mentioned on the Order form, once the scope of work has been determined.

The Company is not responsible for Service delivery until full payment has been received and authorized.

Orders can be paid via credit cards, debit cards, or any other ways made available by the company.

If the Client decides to discontinue working with us, a refund will be issued in accordance with the Money Back Guarantee policy. Please keep in mind that we cannot be held liable for any bank transfer fees, transfer irregularities, or potential delays caused by bank service issues.

You are responsible for paying all taxes, including services or value added taxes, that may be imposed based on the jurisdiction of the Services provided.

Depending on your residency or region, you may be subject to ad valorem or other taxes on the fees that we charge. These taxes will be included to any fees levied to you.

You acknowledge that you must comply with your duties under the income tax laws in your jurisdiction.

4. Order Process:-

Order validation. We reserve the right to re-check the Order details after the final payment to ensure that the assignment conditions were satisfied successfully, as stipulated by the Client. If a mismatch occurs, we reserve the right to amend the Order to ensure that the Client's requirements are met.

Order volume. Each Order placed by the Client has a needed volume, which is determined by the number of pages. A page equals 250 words. Upon product delivery, the document received must match the intended number of pages. If there is a page/number of words mismatch, the client can request that the paper be reformatted to match the number of words/pages.

Changes to Order Details. The Client may make adjustments to the scope of work only if the writer has not yet begun the task. Changes cannot be made once the Writer has begun studying and working on the Order. If the Order specifics grow in number, complexity, or completion terms, the Client will be asked to give more compensation for the extra instructions.

Resources If the Client requires specific resource materials to be used in the Order process, she or he must specify and/or provide them to the Writer.

Communication When seeking additional information, the Client is strongly advised to engage with the Writer or our support staff using the Website's messaging system, or to contact the support team directly via WhatsApp or mail chat.

Progress tracking The Client can track the progress of his or her Orders using his or her personal Account, which displays information about the Order and its status. To receive updates on the status of his or her Order, the Client may contact assistance via any of the communication channels that are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

5. Order Delivery:-

The Company is held liable for delivering the service and achieving the deadline specified in the order.

t is the Customer's responsibility to ensure that delivery routes are available once the Company has supplied the service to the Client. The Company will not be held liable for an invalid email address entered by the Customer in the profile, spam filters, internet outages, or general customer failure to offer communication channels and other contact means that are beyond the Company's control. Customers are encouraged to contact support if they require any assistance with the delivery of an order.

The Customer is responsible for downloading the service in a timely manner after the Company provides it to them.

All orders are delivered through the customer's account on the website via the orders page.

The payments will be released automatically seven days after the deadline, as part of our Writer's Protection. Please thoroughly review each order. Once the Writer receives the entire agreed-upon price, the work is regarded complete, and no refund will be issued.

Your order will be erased 14 days after delivery. If the customer is unable to download within the specified time period, he/she should contact the support team.

Please examine our Money Back Guarantee to learn more about your refund rights.

6. Order Revision:-

Please read the Revision Policy.

Please keep in mind that we reserve the right to deny a revision request if the revision instructions do not follow the initial Order requirements. In such circumstances, the Client may be asked to pay an extra fee for the requested adjustments or submit the Order for editing.

Please keep in mind that we reserve the right to deny or limit numerous revision requests if the Client's behavior exhibits evident exploitation of the Writer, as well as unreasonable requests.

7. The Use of Products:-

When you pay for an Order, you agree that it is for personal and non-commercial use only, and that the payment reflects the time and effort put into conducting relevant research and writing for your order, as well as all necessary maintenance and administration for Service delivery.

You are not permitted to reproduce, modify, distribute, or display the service in any way on the World Wide Web or in physical copy beyond a reasonable restriction for personal use.

Writers who work for our company transfer ownership of all provided products to the company, which retains all copyright protections over the products we give.

All Products are supplied simply as an example of study, a resource for learning, or a sample of academic writing. The Company retains all intellectual property rights and copyrights.

8. Refund Policy:-

We are responsible for delivering the Product on time and in compliance with the Client's specifications as outlined in the Order. If any of the Client's commitments are breached, the Client is entitled to partial or full refund under our Money Back Guarantee Policy.

9. Company’s Responsibilities:-

Plagiarism, academic dishonesty, and fraud are all severely prohibited within the firm. We will not be held liable if such unethical and illegal use of our products and Website content occurs.

We strictly obey all copyright laws. If the Customer violates our Terms and Conditions, they will be held fully accountable for any resulting behavior.

Disclaimer regarding links used on contentlywriters.com: While this website may contain connections to other websites, we do not endorse, approve, or guarantee that the content of these links complies with contentlywriters.com's Terms and Conditions. As a result, our company does not own, is not liable for, and has no input or control over any of the content resulting from the links provided on our website. Visiting these URLs is at your own risk, as stated in the user agreement form submitted with your order form.

10. Acknowledge:-

By placing an order and/or paying for a product, you recognize and agree that:

We retain the right to cancel any agreement, contract, or partnership with anybody who condones or tries to pass off any Products as their own work. You further agree that any Product given by us may not be transferred to third parties or distributed for money or any other purpose. You further understand that if we suspect that You have disseminated or used a Product in a manner that is inconsistent with these Terms and/or plagiarized in any way, we have the right to refuse to do any further work for You or provide any Services to You.

You may not include your name on any product. All Products and/or other written materials given by us to You are intended for research and/or reference only. We do not condone, encourage, or knowingly engage in plagiarism or other forms of academic fraud or dishonesty. We strictly adhere to and follow all copyright rules and will not knowingly allow any Client to commit plagiarism or violate copyright laws. You accept that any Product and/or other written content offered is provided solely as a model or example document for research purposes. We provide custom written samples for research purposes only and cannot be used as a substitute for your own work. It can only be used as a model paper to teach you how to correctly prepare your own research or to inspire your own thinking. Entire sections of our company's research may be used in the client's original piece of writing if properly cited or paraphrased. Please review your university's definition of plagiarism for authorized use of source material.

Neither our organization, nor any of its affiliates or partners, will be held liable for any unethical, inappropriate, illegal, or otherwise wrongful use of the Products or other textual material obtained from the Website. This includes plagiarism, lawsuits, poor grading, expulsion, academic probation, loss of scholarships, awards, grants, prizes, titles, or positions, failure, suspension, or any other disciplinary or legal action. Purchasers of Products from the Website bear entire responsibility for any and all disciplinary proceedings resulting from the improper, unethical, and/or illegal usage of such Products.

11. Security & Privacy:-

Please visit our Privacy Policy for more information on how we collect, handle, and keep your Personal Data, such as your personal information and payment details.

As part of the registration process, you will be requested to submit your name and email address (one or both of which will serve as your username on the Website) as well as a password.

You must keep your Account information secret and not disclose or share it with anyone.

You shall be accountable for all activity and Orders related with Your Account. If you know or think that someone else has your password, go to Edit profile and change it yourself, or inform us through one of the methods above.

We have the right to change your password if we decide it is no longer secure. If we do, you will be notified via email at the email address you supplied in your Account.

If you forget your password, please go to the sign in page, where you can reset it if you meet our security requirements.

12. Use of the Website; termination and suspension of use:-

You may use the Website purely for your own personal, noncommercial purposes. You may not use any aspect of the Website for unauthorized purposes. Specifically, you may not use the Website for any of the following purposes:

Disseminating unlawful, harassing, defamatory, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, or otherwise objectionable material or breaching any laws.

Transmitting material that encourages criminal behavior or violates any applicable laws, regulations, or codes of practice. Interfering with other people's use of the Website.

Making, transmitting, or storing electronic copies of materials protected by copyright.

If you violate any of these Terms, you will be liable for all losses and costs resulting from such violation.

We may terminate your usage of the Website if you violate any of these Terms. If we have reasonable grounds to believe that your use of the Website is interfering with its lawful operation or may harm another Client, we may stop your access to the Website at any time while we examine the situation. If You attempt to contact the Writer using means other than those permitted by the Website's functionality, we shall consider this activity a violation of the Terms.

13. Intellectual Property Rights(“IPRs”):-

1. Intellectual Property Rights in the Products

Our writers drafted the products given to you.

We and/or our affiliates and partners retain full copyright for any products or content given to you.

Upon payment, we grant you a non-exclusive right to use the Products for personal, non-commercial use only.

You are not permitted to distribute, publish, transmit, edit, display, or create derivative works from the Products and/or materials of this Website without our prior written approval.

You are responsible for any losses caused by unauthorized use of the Products and/or material available on this Website.

2. Intellectual property rights in any materials you supply to us

You must ensure that any items you offer to us (particularly those you supply/upload as a reference or source material) do not infringe on the intellectual property or other rights of another person, or violate any relevant laws. If they do, you will be liable for any losses that we may suffer as a result.

3. Intellectual Property Rights on the Website

We own or license all intellectual property rights (IPRs) on the website.

The Website and its contents do not convey any intellectual property rights to visitors.

You may not copy, transmit, or download any of the Website's content unless expressly permitted by these Terms or otherwise agreed upon with us.

4. Sources Used Feature.

You will not receive whole articles or e-books. Rather, snippets from the Product are provided for reference purposes.

Furthermore, a service fee is charged for material collection and distribution, as well as access to places where the information can be purchased or seen in full.

14. Disclaimer and Limitation of liability:-

The Website is offered “as is,“ and we make no warranty that it will satisfy your expectations or requirements. If your computer does not support applicable technologies, such as encryption, you may be unable to access the Website or utilize any or all of the Services.

The Website is accessible through the World Wide Web, which is independent of us. Your use of the World Wide Web is entirely at your own risk, and is subject to all applicable national and international laws and regulations. We make no claim that the Website is appropriate or available for use in any jurisdiction.

The Website may contain linkages to third-party websites and resources. These third- party websites and resources may have their own terms and privacy policies, which you should consider. We assume no responsibility or liability for any third-party websites or resources, and you access and use such services and content entirely at your own risk. Before providing any personal information to any other website, we urge that you review its rules.

In no event will we be liable for any loss or damage resulting from any changes we may make to the Website. We will not be liable for any issues related to the Products and/or Services, including but not limited to:

phone, electronic, hardware or software, network, Internet, email, or computer malfunctions, failures or difficulties of any kind; failed, incomplete, garbled or delayed computer and/or email transmissions;

any condition caused by events beyond the control of the company that might cause the Product and/or Services to be (as applicable) delayed, disrupted, or corrupted;

any injuries, losses or damages of any kind arising in connection with, or as a result of, utilizing the Services; or any printing or typographical errors in any Product(s).We will not have any liability to You or any other person, whether arising out of or in connection with your use of the Website, or Your inability to use the Website, or for any other reason including, without limitation, for: any matters due to any events outside our reasonable control; or any unforeseeable losses or damages. Nothing in these Terms is intended to reduce or eliminate any responsibility for death or personal damage caused by negligence, fraudulent misrepresentation, or any other liability that cannot be restricted or excluded by law, or to affect Your statutory rights as a consumer.

15. Governing Law and Amendments:-

These Terms of Use, as well as any non-contractual duties arising from or in conjunction with them, will be governed by and construed in accordance with Indian laws. Any dispute, controversy, or claim originating from or in connection with these Terms of Use, or their violation, termination, or nullity, shall be resolved by arbitration under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. The arbitration shall take place in New Delhi, India. The courts of New Delhi, India, shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any and all claims or disputes that arise from these Terms of Use.

We reserve the right to amend these Terms of Use at any time, without notice, by posting revised terms on this website. You are responsible for reviewing the website regularly to ensure that you are aware of any changes to these Terms of Use. Your continued use of the website following any changes to the Terms of Use will be considered acceptance of those changes.

Version 1.0. Last modified: April, 2024
  • We Accept
  • payment
  • Facio Contently Writers Private Limited
  • Address: Kiran Path Mansarovar,

    Rajasthan, Jaipur, 302020


Our materials are intended to assist you in conducting research while completing

your own assignments. It is important to utilize them only with appropriate

references and citations to maintain academic integrity.

Copyright © 2024 Facio Contently Writers Private Limited. All Rights Reserved.